The eyes are the most sensitive organs of the body system, your eyes are an important part of your health. Most people rely on their eyes to see and make sense of the world around them. But some eye diseases can lead to vision loss, so it is important to identify and treat eye diseases as early as possible.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Our overall well-being is subject to our diets, that is what you eat plays a vital role in your health system. Human eyes can either be damaged or improved by the kinds of food you eat. However, it is important to know that consuming certain foods can be good for your eyesight. Most people are suffering from different kinds of eyes disease as a result of not being aware of this message.

Here Are What Consume To Improve Your Vision


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body uses to produce Vitamin A. They are good for lowering cholesterol levels and yes, for improving vision. Vitamin A helps the eye convert light to a signal sent to the brain, allowing you to see better in low light.

Furthermore, the antioxidants lutein and beta carotene properties in carrots have been studied to be a great alternative for people suffering from different types of eyes problems.


Eating a banana daily is likely to boost eye health and prevent vision-related disease, a study has found that: bananas are rich in carotenoid a compound that turns fruits and vegetables red, orange, or yellow, and are converted into vitamin A, important precursors for eye health in the liver. This is very important for everyone most especially older adults who are having problems with their vision.

3.Sweet Potatoes

Although most people are a huge fan of potatoes probably because it has a sweet taste. However, the enzymes and the astringent properties in these vegetables help reduce inflammation and help tighten the skin. This remedy will also help get rid of wrinkles and dark circles around your eyes.


This vegetable is a good option for people with different medical challenges including the eye because it contains a lot of vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamine, and B6 to minerals such as calcium and magnesium, cucumber has it all. All these nutrients are essential for keeping your eyesight healthy for years to come…CONTINUE READING>>

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