Thirty six members of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Katonga faction who were arrested in Kisumu, Kenya and deported back to Uganda last week, have been charged with terrorism.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

They were apprehended by the Kenyan police, which subsequently handed them over to the Internal Security Organization (ISO), Uganda’s military intelligence agency.

The deportees, consisting of 33 men and 3 women had traveled to Kisumu to participate in a leadership training session.

According to ISO, the arrested FDC members lacked a designated contact person on the ground, which likely aroused the suspicions of Kenyan security forces and prompted their intervention.

ISO further stated that the Kenyan government was wary of them, suspecting them of engaging in questionable activities and noting that they were an unfamiliar group to the authorities in Kenya.

Upon their arrival in Uganda, the individuals were detained at Nagalama police station in Mukono district from where they were subsequently brought to Nakawa court on Monday and charged with terrorism.

Prosecution alleges that on the 22nd and 23rd of July 2024, the 36 travelled to Kisumu, Kenya “to receive terrorism training”.

They have been remanded till August 13th.

The FDC former president, Dr Kiiza Besigye condemned the charges against FDC activists.

“During the day of 23rd July, 36 of our (FDC) colleagues travelled to Kisumu for a week-long leadership workshop. They were dully cleared by Uganda immigration and security,” said Besigye.

“A few hours later (during the night), their residences at Ukweri Catholic Pastoral Centre, Kisumu, were violently attacked, doors broken, and all brutally arrested,” he added.

”This was by a combination of Uganda Security officers and Kenyan Military! Their properties were confiscated, including computers and phones. They were tortured and several injured during and after arrest. They were driven that night back to Uganda- this time, without going thru Kenyan or Ugandan Immigration,” Besigye wrote on his X platform (formerly Twitter).

“I am now informed that they may be charged with engaging in “terrorist activities”!! They were lawfully invited into Kenya and entered Kenya lawfully.

The place where they were to hold their workshop was lawfully engaged. They were illegally arrested; illegally deported; apart from the torture and other Human Rights violations done by government forces of both Uganda and Kenya…CONTINUE READING>>

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