A mother of 10 kids from Kakamega county, Kenya has disclosed that her husband has refused to embrace family planning and, instead, has made it his goal to have 22 children.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The 30-year-old mother, identified as Gentrix Wekesa from Navakholo village, is expecting her 11th child and she said her husband refuses to use any contraceptive methods due to traditions.

While appearing on TV 47, the anxious mum said: “I give birth to these children every year. As soon as I start getting my menstruation, I get another child. My youngest is yet to be a year old.”

Wekesa, the sole breadwinner of the family, says she is overwhelmed by the burden of taking care of the children.

“It got to a point one of the kids dropped out of school at Class Seven because they kept sending him back home because of school fees or uniform, and I did not know what to do.

The second-born, too, has dropped out of school. So I took him somewhere to help someone graze his animals, and when he gets paid, he helps me take care of the other kids.” Her husband, Anthony Wekesa, has also forbidden her from using any contraceptive methods.

According to him, these are foreign concepts and having a few kids only makes one a laughing stock.

She once tried getting a contraceptive, and when she got home, her husband got violent and took her back to the hospital to remove it.

“As long as she gives me the number of children that I want. They should be 22 kids,” said her husband. She added that her husband wants more children so that they can help them in future…CONTINUE READING>>

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