A crappy diet can do more than wreck your waistline-it can sink your erection , too.[…]CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE▶

Think about it: Some of the smallest blood vessels and nerves in your body can be found in your penis, says Jamin Brahmbhatt, M.D., a urologist at Orlando Health. So if youre slamming down junk like pizza and fries every day, your blood vessels down under may get clogged with fat and cholesterol.

This restricts blood flow to your penis, preventing you from getting hard when youre ready for action and even putting your heart health at risk down the road. Many of these foods can increase your chances of developing high blood pressure, too.

It may sound wacky, but you should treat your penis like a luxury car, says Dr. Brahmbhatt. To keep your ride running smoothly, you need to fill it with the recommended fuel and keep up with the suggested maintenance. Well, your penis needs the same-like healthy foods and plenty of exercise-to keep it going strong, he says.

Filling up with the right foods can boost your testosterone , strengthen your sperm , and supercharge your erection. Even better, a good diet will keep your heat healthy. So, what do we recommend as premium fuel? These 15 foods are a good place to start.

Food to improve your sex life: coffee

Your morning coffee may improve your sex life , according to a study of more than 3,700 men from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

Those who downed the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of a coffee a day-between 170 to 375 milligrams (mg) of caffeine-were less likely to report erectile dysfunction (ED) issues than men who skipped their cup of Joe.

Why? Caffeine triggers a series of effects in your body that help the arteries in your penis relax and blood flow to increase, producing an effect similar to ED drugs like Viagra, the study authors explain.

Food to improve your sex life: salmon, egg yolks, and fortified milk

Your D needs vitamin D, suggests one Austrian study- and the foods above are great sources of it.

After researchers had men take either 3,332 IU of vitamin D or a placebo per day for a year, they found that free testosterone levels-the powerhouse behind your sex drive-significantly increased in guys loading up with vitamin D.

Plus, insufficient D levels may also increase your risk for erectile dysfunction , Italian researchers found. When you dont get enough vitamin D, you produce free radicals that decrease nitric oxide in your body, a compound that helps your blood vessels function, the researchers say.

Without it, your blood vessels cant relax, hindering the flow of blood to your penis. That makes it difficult for you to get hard, says Larry Lipshultz, M.D., chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Baylor College of Medicine.

So how much D do you really need? Thats still up for debate: The National Institutes of Health recommend getting 600 IU daily, while the Endocrine Society notes that some people may need to go much higher with 1,500 to 2,000 IU a day. Talk to your doctor to find out what works best for you.

Food to improve your sex life: pistachios, almonds, and walnuts

Need a snack? Choose nuts , researchers from Turkey suggest. After 17 men with ED ate 100 grams of pistachios for three weeks, they all reported a significant improvement in their erectile function, ability to orgasm, libido, sexual satisfaction, and overall happiness in life. As a bonus, they all had higher HDL, or good, cholesterol and lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol, too.

Pistachios contain a high amount of an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide in your body, the researchers say. And like almonds, walnuts, and most other nuts, theyre a great source of healthy fats, which are good for your heart and therefore your penis, says Dr. Brahmbhatt.

Food to improve your sex life: blueberries and oranges

Only 13 percent of Americans eat enough fruit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Big mistake: Eating enough of the right ones can work wonders to improve your sexual health.

In a 10-year study of more than 25,000 men, Harvard University researchers found that men who ate foods packed with certain flavonoids -anthocyanins, flavanones, and flavones-had a lower ED risk than guys who didnt eat as much of them. The effect was particularly strong among those under 70 years old.

In fact, men who ate flavonoid-rich foods-like blueberries, strawberries, apples, and citrus fruits-a few times a week reduced their ED risk by 9 to 11 percent compared to those who ate them less frequently. The researchers speculate that flavonoids found in these foods may help improve the health of your blood vessels by relaxing your arteries.

Bonus points if you like to break a sweat: Men who were physically active (consider that 2 to 5 hours of brisk walking a week) and ate flavonoid-rich fruits reduced their ED risk by 21 percent.

So make sure youre fitting enough in your diet: The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming two cups of fruit every day. (This handy chart can help you figure out portion sizes.)

Food to improve your sex life: legumes, whole grains, and olive oil

So to truly test the diets benefits, Italian researchers had 35 men with diagnosed with ED and metabolic syndrome-a group of factors linked to heart health problems-load up their plates with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish. Another 30 men with metabolic syndrome followed a control diet.

After two years, about one third of the men following the Mediterranean diet regained normal sexual functioning and saw lower levels of inflammation in their bodies.

Researchers arent exactly sure why the diet could help men with ED, but they believe the combination of eating more fiber-filled and antioxidant-rich foods may have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps promote healthy blood flow, the study authors say.

And you dont have to be dealing with heart problems to notice the diets benefits in the bedroom. Men who eat lots of monounsaturated fats (a Mediterranean diet staple), like fish and nuts, also have the highest levels of testosterone , research suggests.

Other studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can help you drop a few pounds , and a healthy body weight is linked to stronger erections. That’s because extra weight can harm your vascular function , which interrupts blood flow to your penis. A study of more than 7,000 adults published in The Lancet found the Mediterranean diet can help people lose weight without counting calories. It’s particularly great at reducing belly fat , which raises your risk of heart disease.

Food to improve your sex life: peppers, peaches, and spinach

In the study, researchers divided 75 men-all heavy smokers with poor semen quality- into three groups. One group took 200 mg of vitamin C, another took 1,000 mg, and the last group took a placebo.

After four weeks, the 200-mg group improved their sperm quality by 15 percent, meaning they not only had a higher sperm count, but their sperm were able to swim more efficiently and survive longer, too.

Whats more, the 1000-mg group more than doubled that by 40 percent. Vitamin C seems to protect your sperms DNA from cell-damaging free radicals, the researchers say. That’s important, since damaged sperm might mess with your ability to conceive when youre ready to have a kid.

Aim for a minimum of 90 mg and no more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day, suggests the National Institutes of Health. While the participants in the study popped a supplement, you can easily get your daily dose through vitamin-C rich foods , which is always your best bet. Of course oranges are the most obvious choice, but yellow peppers, peaches, and spinach are great sources of vitamin C…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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