I got married to my husband years back, and we have a child together. After the birth of our first child, my husband traveled abroad, and we stayed apart for two years. During our long-distance relationship, I realized that my husband had insecurities. This is a man who has access and passwords to all of my social media accounts, even Snapchat. Whenever weโ€™re on a WhatsApp video call, he always screen-shares with me so he can read all of my chats. Still, he was not satisfied and always accused me of cheating. Note, I never once cheated on him or flirted with another guy.[โ€ฆ]CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLEโ–ถ

During those times we were in a long-distance relationship, whenever we had a quarrel, my husband would starve me and the baby. He would refuse to send us money for food or upkeep. Finally, he completed our papers, and my child and I went to meet him abroad. That was the beginning of our problems.

One day, we had an argument, and he abused me verbally. That wasnโ€™t the first time he had verbally abused me; I was used to it already. He proceeded to call me all sorts of names, and for the first time, I raised my voice at him and told him not to ever call me those names again. My husband gave me the beating of my life for the very first time, and it became a normal routine for him. Whenever we had an argument, he would beat me, even in the presence of my child.

After beating me to his satisfaction, he would forcefully sleep with me while tears streamed down my face. He kept threatening me, saying he would kill me and lie to my family, and nobody would find my body. It just seemed like there was a spirit pushing him.

He maltreats me; he seizes my phone for days so I cannot contact anybody. He keeps telling me that if I do anything in this foreign country, I am the one who is going to go to jail, not him.

Recently, my husband seized my phone the way he usually does and went to check my chats. Thereโ€™s this particular friend of mine that Iโ€™m very close with whom my husband said he doesnโ€™t like. He told me to stop talking to her, which I did, but on this particular day, I was texting her to check up on her because I heard from someone that she was sick. At the time I checked up on her, she had not responded to me, so I forgot to delete the chat.

My husband saw the conversation between me and this girl and asked me why I texted her. I tried to explain to him that she was sick and I was just checking up on her. He seized my phone and started insulting me and abusing me. I raised my voice at him again, asking why he was always causing me pain, like, are you not tired of always insulting me and calling me names?

My husband said that if I uttered one more word, he was going to strangle me to death. So, I decided to go to another room to sleep with my daughter. While I was sleeping, my husband used a kitchen knife to stab me in the head, close to my eyes. Wow! I donโ€™t know how it happened because it was around 12:30 a.m., and I was asleep. I just noticed that I was dragging something with somebody, so I woke up only to see that my head, my face, and my bedsheet were all covered in blood.

In fact, I lost so much blood that foam was coming out of my brain. Wow! I cried so much that I started praying to God, even with the loss of blood. He started begging me, saying he knew he would go to jail for what he had done. They called emergency services, and they rushed me to the hospital immediately. Oh yes, when the emergency services came, he lied to them that I fell in the bathroom and hit my head on the floor. I didnโ€™t have the strength to defend myself because I was so weak and was about to go into the operating room.

He even seized my phone so I wouldnโ€™t be able to reach my family and tell them what happened. After the surgery, my husband begged me like never before, promising never to do such rubbish again. Not only was my head stitched, but other parts of my body were also stitched as well because, while I was dragging the knife with him, he wanted to finish me off. I had several cuts on my body, so they stitched all those parts.

I told one of our Nigerian married brothers, who is also a friend to my husband, and that one was begging me not to tell the police. He told me that if Iโ€™m tired of the marriage, I can leave. But why should I not tell my family about it? My husband kept begging me not to leave him. Some days later, I was discharged from the hospital after I had forgiven my husband, and I went back to the house.

This man then started asking me for sex, and I told him that I was in pain and couldnโ€™t have sex. He kept insisting that he had to have sex with me or he was going to rape me. I had just been discharged with all the stitches and bruises I had. I told him to allow me to heal, but he said no. He said I couldnโ€™t live under his roof and not give him sex. This was the man that was begging me the previous night.

I told him that I didnโ€™t want the marriage anymore, and this man told me that he was going to return me to Nigeria. He said he would make sure I donโ€™t relocate to any other country again. You guys need to know how angry, how mad, how hurt I am with this emotionless face that Iโ€™m using to read this story. Girl, I am tired. I donโ€™t want this marriage anymore, but Iโ€™m so scared of leaving. I donโ€™t have any money to my name. Iโ€™m also worried about my child because I donโ€™t want to leave her alone with this man. Iโ€™m confused and devastatedโ€ฆCLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>ย 

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