One fateful night around 1 a.m., we heard a loud bang on our door, followed by a heavy voice commanding us to open it. The voice warned that if we didnโ€™t open the door, they would break it down and do whatever they wanted. They kept banging on the door, refusing to leave. Gunshots were fired, and they continued knocking, but my husband and I refused to open it. At that time, we had been married for only seven months.[โ€ฆ]CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLEโ–ถ

Eventually, we heard them using something like a saw to cut through the burglary proof that was protecting our door. My husband, realizing the danger, said that if they broke in, they might kill him. He thought it was better to let them in rather than risk infuriating them further. We had made several calls for help, but the robbers seemed confident that no one was coming to save us.

Reluctantly, my husband unlocked the burglary proof. As soon as he did, they slapped him and hit him on the head with the butt of their guns. There were about seven of them. They ordered both of us to lie down, and we obeyed. My husband is bald, and as we lay on the floor, they began demanding money. They kept asking, โ€œWhere is the money?โ€ My husband repeatedly told them we didnโ€™t keep money in the house, but they didnโ€™t believe him.

My husband was a bank manager, and for some reason, they thought he would keep large sums of money at home. They continued to beat him while demanding the money. In the end, they forced him to transfer large sums from his various bank accounts to theirs. We thought that was the end of it, that they would leave once they had the money. But then, they turned to me.

They told me to stand up, which I did. Then they ordered me to strip. I refused. They knocked me to the ground and kicked me like a rag doll, beating me severely. They tore off my nightdress. Their boss then said he wanted to sleep with me, and I had to accept. I told him, โ€œOver my dead body.โ€ He said I had no choice, but I stood my ground. They cocked their gun and threatened to shoot. I closed my eyes, bracing for death, but no shot came.

My husband, fearing for our lives, begged me to let them do what they wanted. He promised to take me to the hospital afterward and assured me I would be okay. But I refused. I told him that wasnโ€™t part of my vow, and I couldnโ€™t allow it. Even as the robbers threatened to kill him, I believed they wouldnโ€™t go that far.

They slapped me again, and my mouth was bleeding. They continued to pressure me, but I held firm. I thought they might shoot me, but instead, they brought out a large cutlass. To my horror, they used it to cut off both my legs. They left us in a pool of blood and fled.

After they left, my husband went to our neighbors for help. Some of the neighbors had been robbed as well, as the robbers had spent a lot of time in our estate. Eventually, people helped my husband take me to the hospital. By then, I had passed out and didnโ€™t know what was happening. I survived, but I lost both of my legs.

For a year, my husband stood by me, coming to the hospital, helping me through my recovery. I now have artificial legs. But five days ago, to my greatest shock, my husband called a family meeting and announced that he wanted a divorce. He said he couldnโ€™t handle being with me without my legs. He also said that I lost my legs because of my stubbornnessโ€”that I should have let them do what they wanted, as he had encouraged, and then we could have sorted things out later.

He told my family that it wasnโ€™t his fault and that he couldnโ€™t live with me like this. He was sorry, but he was calling off the marriage. I was devastated. I thought I was being a good wife, preserving my body for my husband. But instead, he misunderstood me and decided to leave me in my condition.

What am I going to do? Where will I go? What did I do wrong? I thought my husband would be proud of me for standing my ground, but now I feel abandoned.

Please, ask your audience, did I make the right decision by refusing? Should I have done what they wanted to save my legs and my marriage? My parents told me they are proud of me and that if my husband leaves me, they will come and take care of me. But Iโ€™m so confused. I will be in the comment section waiting for advice.

Thank you so much for reading my story. This is so sad. Remember, this isnโ€™t my story. Someone asked me to share it on her behalf, and sheโ€™s in the comment section waiting for your advice.

Did she do something wrong by standing her ground? Please leave your comments respectfully. This is a sad situationโ€ฆCLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>ย 

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