From the corridors of power to the darkest corners of Kenya, William Rutoโ€™s presidency has become a dangerous force strangling the very fabric of this nation. The cries of innocent Kenyans echo through the land, unheard by the leaders who swore to protect them. Between abductions, torture, and extrajudicial killings, Rutoโ€™s administration has systematically betrayed the core values enshrined in Kenyaโ€™s Constitution.[โ€ฆ]CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLEโ–ถ

He has escalated his grip on power, silencing critics, destabilizing communities, and signing off on disastrous policies that condemn Kenyans to hardship and suffering. It is imperative that justice be served, that Ruto is held accountable, and that the nation is freed from this cancerous rule before itโ€™s too late.

The abduction of innocent Kenyans is not merely a gross violation of human rights; itโ€™s a direct assault on the principles of freedom and justice that this country was built upon. Article 29(d) of the Kenyan Constitution expressly protects every citizen from being subjected to violence.

Yet, under Rutoโ€™s leadership, Kenyan citizens vanish without a trace. Families are left traumatized, children are left orphaned, and communities are left in perpetual fear. These actions, or rather, sanctioned inactions, are in stark violation of Kenyaโ€™s commitment to international human rights standards.

Torture has become a chilling hallmark of Rutoโ€™s reign. Article 25(a) of the Constitution stipulates that freedom from torture is a fundamental right that shall not be limited. Yet, across the country, citizens are detained unlawfully and subjected to unspeakable cruelty, both physical and psychological.

From police cells to makeshift detention centers, the blood of Kenyans stains the floors where they are tortured mercilessly to quell dissent and keep the masses silent. These actions contravene not only the Kenyan Constitution but also international treaties like the United Nations Convention Against Torture, to which Kenya is a signatory.

The extrajudicial killings witnessed in recent years are an affront to human dignity. Article 26 of the Kenyan Constitution guarantees the right to life. This right is absolute, non-negotiable, and cannot be undermined. However, under Rutoโ€™s watch, the systematic and sanctioned murder of innocent citizens has become all too common.

Every bullet fired, every life extinguished under the cloak of darkness, represents a failure of the state to protect its citizens. Ruto must be held accountable for each life lost, each family torn apart, and each community terrorized.

Beyond these crimes, Rutoโ€™s governance is marred by a series of damaging policies and deals that serve to line the pockets of a privileged few at the expense of the people. Take the Adani deal, for instance. This Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for the modernization and expansion of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) lacks transparency and puts Kenyaโ€™s assets in the hands of foreign interests.

Itโ€™s a deal that reeks of betrayal, exposing Kenyaโ€™s sovereignty to foreign influence for personal gain. Rutoโ€™s role in pushing through such disastrous agreements reflects his willingness to prioritize profit over the welfare of his people.

The Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) and Social Health Authority (SHA) are other tragic examples. These programs, hastily pushed forward without due diligence, aim to extract funds from Kenyans, masquerading as public welfare initiatives. In reality, they will likely become channels of corruption, where money flows not towards healthcare but into the pockets of the powerful elite.

These schemes threaten the health of millions, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation while profiting a few. Article 43 of the Constitution guarantees every Kenyan the right to healthcare, but under Rutoโ€™s hand, these rights are eroded.

Under the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), another hastily implemented policy, Kenyaโ€™s education system has suffered. Parents, teachers, and students have raised countless concerns about the impracticality and inefficiency of the CBC system, but Rutoโ€™s administration has turned a deaf ear.

In forcing such policies upon the nation, Ruto demonstrates an utter disregard for the education and future of Kenyan children, violating Article 53 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right of every child to free and compulsory basic education.

The Housing Levy, yet another catastrophic policy, has put unnecessary financial strain on an already burdened populace. By forcing Kenyans to pay for housing initiatives from which many may never benefit, Ruto has overstepped his bounds, infringing on citizensโ€™ economic rights as protected by Article 43(1)(b).

The levy is another reflection of Rutoโ€™s twisted priorities: rather than alleviating the struggles of the average Kenyan, his administration seeks only to deepen them.

These actions paint a damning picture of Rutoโ€™s administration as one driven by greed, corruption, and oppression. Each crime, each unconstitutional policy, each abuse of power, takes Kenya further down the path of ruin. As citizens, it is our duty to demand accountability. The Constitution of Kenya grants the people the power to hold leaders to account, to demand justice, and to defend the rights enshrined within it.

If we are to safeguard Kenyaโ€™s future, Ruto must face the law. He must be arrested, charged, and tried for his crimes. Every law he has broken must be cited, every family he has wronged must see justice served, and every Kenyan must be reminded that no one, not even the President, is above the law. The peopleโ€™s will is enshrined in Article 1 of the Constitution, which states that all sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya. It is time to exercise that power.

Rutoโ€™s legacy, from 2013 to 2022, was already marred by controversy, but since 2022, he has become an unchecked tyrant whose policies and actions threaten the very soul of Kenya. His administrationโ€™s callous disregard for human rights, its contempt for constitutional limits, and its insatiable thirst for wealth and power have pushed the country to the brink. His rule has become the cancer that eats away at Kenyaโ€™s moral and social fabric. If we fail to act now, the cancer will metastasize, destroying everything this country stands for.

We cannot afford to stand by idly as Kenya crumbles under the weight of corruption, oppression, and bloodshed. The Constitution is clear. Every citizen has a right to life, dignity, and freedom from torture and arbitrary detention. Every child has a right to education, and every person has a right to healthcare. Rutoโ€™s administration has not only failed to uphold these rights but has actively undermined them through its policies and actions.

His administration has fueled an atmosphere of fear, where journalists are silenced, activists are persecuted, and dissent is stamped out with brutal efficiency. This is not the Kenya we fought for. This is not the Kenya envisioned by the Constitution or by the brave souls who fought for independence. We have become prisoners in our own land, bound by the chains of Rutoโ€™s oppressive rule.

The time for dialogue is over; the time for action is now. We must demand Rutoโ€™s arrest, prosecution, and sentencing. Only through swift and decisive action can we salvage what remains of our country. We must hold Ruto accountable, not only for the lives he has destroyed but for the future he is trying to steal from each and every Kenyan. This is not just a call for justice; it is a demand for survival.

The world is watching. History will remember whether we stood up for justice or allowed tyranny to flourish uncheckedโ€ฆCLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

SOURCE: Sokodirectory

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