What You Should Do If Your Pastor Rejects Tithing

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has offered guidance to Christians on how to respond when their pastors refuse to collect tithes....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Speaking during the October edition of the RCCG Holy Ghost Service, Pastor Adeboye addressed the ongoing debates surrounding the practice of tithing, which has become a contentious issue in Christian communities.

In his message, Adeboye urged Christians to stop arguing over the matter of tithing and to find practical solutions when faced with a pastor who does not support the practice.

He shared an example of one of his pastors who recently preached against tithing, acknowledging that such situations can cause confusion among congregants.

โ€œI want to beg everyone all over the world. Let this argument about tithe come to an end, please,โ€ Adeboye said.

He emphasized that believers should not abandon their churches if their pastors refuse to accept tithes, advising them to follow their pastorโ€™s wishes by giving offerings instead.

However, he also encouraged those who feel convicted to tithe to find another church where tithes are accepted.

Punch Metro reported that the cleric referenced one of his pastorโ€™s who preached against tithing during an online sermon, throwing futher confusion on the controversial subject of tithing.

โ€œIf your pastor says he doesnโ€™t want tithe, donโ€™t leave his church. If he says all he wants is offering, give him offering,โ€ Adeboye explained.

โ€œBut if your heart tells you that you should give God at least 10 per cent, find a church nearby where the pastor says, โ€˜We can collect tithe, we will use it for the glory of God,โ€™ then give that pastor your tithe so you donโ€™t quarrel with your pastor, and you donโ€™t quarrel with God.โ€

Adeboye also apologized for previous comments in which he stated that those who do not tithe would not enter heaven, clarifying his position on the matter.

โ€œI know some of you know more than I do. I know that Pastor of mine knows much more than I do. But letโ€™s do it this way, particularly you members. If your pastor says he doesnโ€™t want tithe, donโ€™t leave his church. If he says all he wants is offering, give him offering.

โ€œBut if your heart tells you that you should give God at least, 10 per cent, find a church nearby where the pastor says, โ€˜we can collect tithe, we will use it for the glory of Godโ€™, then give that pastor your tithe so you donโ€™t quarrel with your pastor and you donโ€™t quarrel with God, your conscience will be clearโ€ฆCLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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