Urinary Tract Infection: Common Signs And 4 Foods You Should Avoid To Keep It From Worsening

Whatโ€™s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear UTI (urinary tract infection)? I used to think it has something to do with STIs, but with time and knowledge I got to know that urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria, these minute organisms get into the urinary tract and causes irritation, cramps, and pain in the lower abdomen, this is not in any way a good experience....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

One in every 5 women will deal with one urinary tract infection during her lifetime, and this is based on information from the National Kidney Association. The symptoms of urinary tract infections may not outrightly show in everybody, but trust me, they show in some people, to this effect you should get acquainted with some of the common signs of urinary tract infections, which include.

โˆš Foul-smelling urine.

It is okay for your urine to smell bad sometimes but when it becomes constant and the smell is really strong, then thereโ€™s reason to suspect an infection.

โˆš Blood in urine.

You may overlook this sign if you arenโ€™t observant enough, but the colour of your urine will depict that thereโ€™s blood in it. From the normal pale yellow colour of urine, you might start experiencing bright pink, cola-coloured, or reddish urine, this is an indication that blood is contained in your urine, and a urinary tract infection might be around the corner.

โˆš Urinating frequently but in small amounts.

According to Medicalnewstoday, when a person has a strong urge to urinate but on trial only little amount of pee comes out then thereโ€™s a problem, one health issue associated with this symptom is urinary tract infection, other health issues that are associated with this symptom are enlarged prostate and an overactive bladder.

โˆš Cloudy urine.

โˆš Feeling of pressure or cramping in the abdomen (lower abdomen).

โˆš Burning sensation when peeing.

โˆš Pelvic pain.

The signs and symptoms of UTI above are numerous and itโ€™s quite an elaborate list to go through, but it is important for the sake of your health.

Identifying these signs is one thing but you canโ€™t be suspicious forever, thereโ€™s a need to go for a medical check-up, and tests ought to be carried out to determine what the real issue is, if all test results point towards a UTI then you need to treat it, and as you go about it you need to be mindful of your diet, foods to eat and those to avoid in order not to aggravate the health issue.

Well, I got you covered with the foods to avoid if you have a urinary tract infection, some of these foods include

1. Spicy foods like suya, and pepper soup.

2. Acidic fruits like orange, grapefruit, and lemon.

3. Alcohol.

4. Coffee and caffeinated drinksโ€ฆCLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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