Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo Expresses Fear Of A Government Shutdown Over Cash Crunch

Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo on Friday expressed fears of a possible government shutdown as the State continues to grapple with a cash crunch....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Speaking during an interview at Spice FM, Maanzo claimed that currently, the Senate, National Assembly, Ministries, and County Governments do not have funds to conduct their operations.

At the Senate, key operations are stalling due to the cash crunch. Several committees including the Committee on Agriculture have halted some operations, with theSenate Mashinanisession for this year being postponed to October.

According to the Senator, the cash crunch in the Senate is causing many bills to fail. When the Bills transition to the National Assembly, they are shot down because they do not go through adequate public participation.

He went on to reveal that the Senate cannot afford to conduct public participation because committees are not allocated enough money to fulfill all their mandates.

“At least 25 counties should participate in public participation, that has not happened for a while, and that is why a lot of our bills when they migrate to the National Assembly they crush there”, Maanzo said.

The senator has blamed budget reduction for the cash crunch being witnessed in the Senate, National Assembly, and the Ministries.

Activities in the various county governments have also been crippled with governors revealing that they have not received their budget allocation.

Appearing before the Senate’s National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity Committee on Friday 22, Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir warned that several county governments would soon shut down due to the delayed release of funds to counties.

Most county workers have not been paid their salaries  for over three months. Health facilities that have run out of essential supplies.

County governments have not received any money since the beginning of the 2024-25 financial year. They are supposed to receive at least Ksh100 billion for July, August, and September.

Senator Maanzo has accused President William Ruto’s government of misplaced priorities, with the Kenya Kwanza administration losing funds on unnecessary foreign travel, corruption, and shoddily done projects…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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