Is Eating Periwinkle Healthy?

Periwinkle is a type of snail, that is commonly used in cooking soup in Nigeria, especially the “Afang” soup. In fact, periwinkle is so popular in Nigeria, that it would be very difficult to meet someone who have not eaten, tasted, or seen periwinkle before. The periwinkle which is also found in other parts of the world contains some valuable nutrients such as protein, Omega-3 fatty acid, and low fat....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Many people have wondered weather periwinkle actually have any health benefits in the body, or it is just put in the food to serve as meat, or perhaps just improve the taste of the food. In this article, we are going to be looking at if periwinkle is good or bad for the body, judging from the health benefits and effects of consuming it.

Is Periwinkle Good Or Bad?

a) Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

it should interest you to know that the periwinkle snail contains necessary amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the overall development of the human body. Omega-3 fatty acids which is pretty common in fishes, helps in improving the performance of the brain, by aiding in the development of the cell membrane in the nervous system.

b) Helps Fight Cancer And Other Diseases:

Periwinkle contains a powerful known as Selenium. This nutrient helps to fight diseases such as cancer, heart problems, etc. Also, Selenium and Vitamin E creates powerful antioxidant together, which can help prevent quick aging. So, not only can periwinkle help fight cancer and other diseases, it can also make you look younger.

c) Helps Improve Blood Health:

Periwinkle may not look like much to you by just looking at it, but it may surprise you to know that they also contain Iron, a very important nutrient which is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. It is very good for pregnant women who wants a healthier blood, or who want to increase their blood production

So! Yes periwinkle is very GOOD for the body…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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