A heart attack can be fatal. Let’s find out its possible symptoms that you should never ignore. A heart attack occurs when there is a shortage or a complete blockage of blood supply in the arteries. The blood flows across the body and brings oxygen along with itself. When there’s a hindrance in the blood flow to the heart, the heart muscles receive less or no oxygen, causing an injury to the muscles.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In this case, the person suffers a heart attack. While there are several factors affecting the blood flow to the heart, the most common one is blood clotting. The buildup of fat and cholesterol, called plaque, shrinks the arteries. The breakup of the plaque leads to blood clotting which further blocks the blood flow and results in a heart attack.

Heart Attack Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

A heart attack does not always come with a warning. However, it is better to remain cautious and work on the early symptoms:

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a silent sign of a heart attack. It occurs without chest pain, making it difficult to detect. It happens because the body’s oxygen supply is reduced drastically.

Chest Pain

Chest pain is the most common sign of a heart attack. There have been many cases in which people have felt discomfort or pain in the center of their chest before experiencing a heart attack.

Abdomen Pain

Experiencing pain in the upper abdomen most commonly occur in women. In some cases, women have suffered extreme pressure in the abdomen. This pain sometimes crawls up to the stomach and upper body parts.

Cold Sweat

Cold sweat is another symptom of a heart attack. So, to maintain the body temperature, the body releases extra sweat. This is a common symptom in both men and women.

Pain In Upper Body Part

Experiencing pain in upper body parts like jaw, neck, back and shoulder also indicates a possible symptom of heart attacks.


Fatigue is another symptom of heart attack. People might experience fatigue and exhaustion.


If you experience a feeling of dizziness, faintness or wooziness, it is called lightheadedness which is a symptom of a heart attack.

Indigestion And Nausea

According to The Heart Foundation, people may experience indigestion and nausea before a heart attack.


If you feel anxious or panic and your heart feels throbbing, it can also be a symptom of a heart attack.


Lowering oxygen levels in the body can make you faint and suffer a heart attack simultaneously.

Night Sweat

Sweating heavily at night is another early sign of a heart attack which occurs usually in women.

Poor Habits That Increase The Risk Of A Heart Attack

Leading an unhealthy life comes with increased risk of heart related diseases. The following poor lifestyle habits increase the risk of heart attack

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Poor sleep
  • Not exercising
  • No physical activity
  • Overeating
  • High salt intake
  • Eating fast food
  • Eating too much sugary and processed food

Most of the people have suffered heart attacks without any record of previous health issues. Poor and unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of having a heart attack. According to British Heart Foundation, heart diseases are the biggest killers. To avoid a heart attack or any other heart related disease, it is important to make a heart friendly routine...CONTINUE READING>>

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