Lawyer James K WaNjeri, among the lawyers representing numerous Gen Z individuals arrested and charged with protesting, shared the charge sheet on his (formerly Twitter) account.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

109 anti-government protesters arrested on Tuesday, July 16, were presented to court on Wednesday, where their bail was set at KES 500 each.

Lawyer James K WaNjeri, among the lawyers representing numerous Gen Z individuals arrested and charged with protesting, shared the charge sheet on his (formerly Twitter) account.

“Milimani Law Court has just issued orders for the release of 109 arrested protesters. Each to be released on a cash bail of KES 500,”said the Law Society of Kenya representative.

He added,”Bail set at 500 shillings each. We have 109 accused persons in court. Can 109 people be drunk and disorderly in the CBD together? YA Kenya ni mengi,”he exclaimed.

WaNjeri also shared the charge sheet and OB number 32/16/07/2024:”Disorderly conduct contrary to section 33(1) as read with section 33(2) of the Alcoholic Drinks Act No. 4 of 2010.

As above, on the 17th day of July at around 1553hrs along Moi Avenue in Nairobi within Nairobi County, you were found drunk and disorderly by staggering and shouting, thereby disturbing members of the public.”

The bail was paid by the Defenders Coalition, which announced on their X account that they had stepped in to pay the bail for those presented at City Hall court…CONTINUE READING>>

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