That is 102-year-old Joyce Jackman’s secret to a long and happy life spanning more than a century.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The former RAF chef reached the 102 milestone on May 9 in her care home, sharing her ‘good sex’ wisdom with staff.

She also hinted that indulging in some sweet treats may have helped her surpass 100 years old.

If that’s the key to a long and satisfying life then you can count those of us here at Metro in for sure.

Joyce, from Colchester, Essex, celebrated her birthday at Care UK’s Silversprings, Thorrington, as staff surprised her with a cake.

Her family came to visit to celebrate her birthday with her – and said she ‘didn’t want the day to end’.

Joyce said: ‘I had such a lovely day. I can’t believe I’m 102 – it must be all the chocolate I eat that’s helped!’

In her early life, Joyce worked in a sweet shop, before joining the RAF as a chef during
World War Two.

Joyce, now widowed, married her childhood sweetheart, Terence Jackman, in 1945 – the year the war ended.

While they never had children, Joyce loved to help out looking after the children in her neighbourhood, as well as enjoying baking with her mother and going out with her friends.

Now, Joyce enjoys keeping her mind busy at in her care home with regular crossword puzzles and staying up-to-date with the daily newspaper.

She also makes sure to enjoy plenty of chocolate.

Joyce’s advice differs dramatically from 105-year-old Brenda Osbourne who claimed the
key to a long life was being single.

Elizabeth Sullivan, who was 104 when she was interviewed back in 2015,
credited her long lifespan to three cans of Dr Pepper each day, which we can’t say we recommend.

But overall, we’d have to say Joyce’s life advice is our favourite, and most fun to implement.

Joanne Rix, home manager at Silversprings, said: ‘Joyce is a much-loved resident at the home – she’s always making us laugh with her fantastic sense of humour and outlook on life.

‘It was wonderful to be part of her special day.

‘Here at Silversprings, we work hard to support residents to lead fulfilling lives, and celebrating special occasions and birthdays plays a huge part in this.

‘We were honoured to raise a glass of sherry to Joyce’s incredible life so far and are privileged to have her as part of our Silversprings family…CONTINUE READING>>

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